

The third runway and control tower (Tower-3) put into operation at Sheremetyevo airport

On September 19, the third runway (Runway-3) was put into operation at Moscow Sheremetyevo airport.

On September 19, the third runway (Runway-3) was put into operation at Moscow Sheremetyevo airport.

The opening ceremony was attended by Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental protection, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov, Minister of transport of the Russian Federation Evgeny Ditrich, Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobiev, Head of FATA Alexander Neradko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "MASH" Alexander Ponomarenko and by the management of relevant organizations and airlines.

The length of Runway-3 is 3200 m, width-60 m. These dimensions allow the execution of operations of aircraft of all kinds, including long-haul aircraft. Sheremetyevo airport will increase its capacity from 65 to 90 take-off and landing operations per hour through the new runway.

Along with Runway-3, the control tower "Tower-3" of Sheremetyevo ACC of State ATM Corporation’s Moscow ATC Center was put into operation.

Igor Moiseenko, Director General of FSUE «State ATM Corporation», and Sergey Pogrebnov, Director of Moscow ATC Center, previously reported the readiness of the strategic facility, which will provide air navigation services to aircraft operating on the new runway, to the Head of FATA Alexander Neradko.

Igor Moiseenko stressed that the new tower will increase the capacity of ATC sectors of Sheremetyevo airport, where air traffic intensity and ATCOs’ workload are steadily growing. Sheremetyevo ACC is the first on the list of the increasing number of aircraft served in the area of responsibility of Moscow ATC Center. For the 1st half of 2019 the increase compared to the same period of last year was 15% - service provided to 199 408 aircraft.

Sergey Pogrebnov expressed his confidence that the new tower will improve the working conditions of ATCOs and CNS staff. Flight control points at Tower-3 allow ATCOs to track aircraft movements and control Runway-3. ATCOs of Sheremetyevo ACC received special training on the use of equipment installed on Tower-3.

The new Runway-3 is equipped with advanced domestic technologies for ATM purposes: ILS 2700 (landing system); NDB 200, DVOR 2000\DME (navigation equipment); SMR "Atlantika", automatic transmission center. Tower-3 is equipped with advanced CNS technologies and a powerful data center. Moreover, the building has modern life support systems.