
Federal State Unitary Enterprise State ATM Corporation is responsible for air traffic services, and an essential part of it is air traffic management in the airspace of the Russian Federation.

The objective of air traffic management (ATM) is the provision of air navigation services to airspace users in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in effect, as well as international provisions and regulations.

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  • Air Traffic Services (Control) (ATS).
  • Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM).
  • Airspace Management for ATS and ATFM.
  • 1 main centre
  • 7 zonal centres
  • 23 area centres
  • 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation.
  • 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • 4 military districts of the Russian Federation and 21 adjacent States' FIRs.
Air Traffic Services are provided above the territory of the Russian Federation along 928 ATS routes, whose total length exceeds 707,369 km.
  • to ensure safety in the airspace of the Russian Federation;
  • air traffic management along airways, domestic air routes, in terminal areas and during aerial work operations;
  • to implement new techniques and ATS procedures, including CNS/ATM systems and automation processes;
  • to implement state-of-the-art service technologies to increase ATS centre capacity and improve the national ATS system on the whole;
  • air traffic service (control) management at joint civil-military aerodromes and at aerodromes of joint use;
  • ATCO training;
  • to frame regulatory documentation and guidelines in different fields of ATS.
  • further development of route networks:
    — Asian
    — Trans-Asian
    — Cross-Polar
    — Trans-Polar
    — Trans-Siberian
    — Trans-East
  • system/facility maintenance and their technical modernization;
  • implementation of procedures to consolidate ATS centres on the basis of a feasibility study;
  • identification of priority ATS areas for the implementation of CNS/ATM;
  • the Russian Federation airspace structure improvement. Opening of new ATS routes above its territory, implementation of a new airspace structure for Moscow area and neighboring Rostov, Samara, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg areas;
  • improvement of ATCO working techniques;
  • implementation of ICAO recommendations with account taken of Russian practices and ATS specifics;
  • implementation of a feet-based altitude measuring system below the transition level;
  • implementation of QNH at aerodromes;
  • implementation of Point Merge approach procedures.